"Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us."

Monday, August 24, 2009

Fasting made ur body revitalised

The first time I fasted for Ramadan was three years ago.- about six months before I actually converted to Islam. I was studying for my MBA finals at University at the time, and I did tell suf,my partner but not to my friends in case they thought I was going crazy! It was a private and special experience which brought me much strength, peace and clarity.

My main struggle during Ramadan was the coffee conundrum I faced each morning. If I drank a cup of coffee at Suhoor I would not be able to sleep afterward - but if I skipped it I would suffer caffeine withdrawal symptoms until Iftar! It was an example of how fasting makes you confront your weaknesses, and resolve to change. It also makes you appreciate how lucky we are to have plenty of food to break our fasts.

Fasting is the single greatest natural healing therapy. It is nature's ancient, universal "remedy" for many problems. Animals instinctively fast when ill. When I first discovered fasting, 3 years ago, I felt as if it had saved my life and transformed my illnesses into health. My stagnant energies began flowing, and I became more creative and vitally alive. I still find fasting both a useful personal tool and an important therapy for many medical and life problems.

Of course, most of the problems for which I recommend fasting as treatment are ones that result from over nutrition rather than malnutrition. Dietary abuse problems, more common in the Western world than in Third World countries, generate many of the chronic degenerative diseases that I have written so much about; these include atherosclerosis, hypertension and heart disease, allergies, diabetes, and cancer. I believe that fasting is therapeutic and, more importantly, preventive for many of these conditions and more.

Taken from Steve's journal.


Anonymous said...

Oh heck! Well I suppose that a food fast is OK for a day at a time and not very often, but I really do think that getting the day to day diet and grazing habits right and suited to one's lifestyle is the real answer to many diseases.

If we could match our eating and drinking to what we do and the environment we live in, we'd be a lot healthier.

That's my tonic anyway - and I still drink too much and exercise too little!

Suf n Steve said...

Me too!

don't we love to eat and drunks couple of time in a month.