Set for examples, if you are meeting your friends at Starbucks or Dome in Bukit Bintang area (or anywhere), the first things you will clings about are "how hideous is that lady attire!", very wrong mix and match, gosh that is totally auntie, the shoe, the shirt, the everything will goes wrong from the gay eyes!

and talking about fashion! what i wanted to do today is to tag a few friends from blog-sphere, to dare you guys @ gays to reveal how many shoe do you actually have in your possession. Ok! the set of rules apply are as follows:
1. Say big thank you to the one whom tagging with these Awards! (remember to hyperlink them!) Be Creatives dear!
I say thank you my darling for initiate this idea. hey i don't have many shoes ok....(i only have a few)
2. Please paste the following graphic onto your blog, so people know you are nominated for the shoe whore awards
3. Proceed with how many shoes in your belonging, the description of the damages (prices), maybe tell us why you bought that shoes? and if possible the pictures (it can be taken from internet resources too)
ok! the truth is, i do not know that i have more shoes then my partner... let see
a. Definitely i have Prada Shoes, I've got 2 (two)band loafer eventually errrr. never ever thought that i have 2 Prada. ok the damages is about $700usd each.
Why i bought these ,definitely the comfort and i can simply wear it in no time.
b. I fancy hiroshi-tsubouchi custom loafer. It made for comfort and i have my size 13.5inch
Ok! damages around..let not reveal here. i can afford to have one.

c. Italian leather shoes. I have one of those, specially tailor made for me and only me. It took me 3 month before i received the shoes from this old shoemaker from Toscana.
The total damages including special delivery was 1K Euro. Thank you
Sorry got no pic- the shoes is in the safe place back in NY.
d. My fav shoes of all. Timberland Boat shoe. Robust , big and comfy. Damages less than $50usd.

e. Hermès shoes with buckle. Aged golden leather. Made in Italy. Damages about $500Euro

4. Later on, nominate another THREE blogger for these awards...
I would like to nominate the following blogger
first - will be Paul J from Platinum Egoistic
second would be - Nik-the Greek from My bizarre world
and the last one would be - Jerry Kiat from JerryKiat
5. and Please, Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
ok ok would do it lol now!