I utterly adore my husband, and give myself to him completely, body and soul. I belong to him, and am his to do with as he pleases. I deny him nothing and would do anything he desires.
It pleases him to pamper me and spoil me, and I am the grateful recipient of his love. I never take him for granted and I would be in a panic if I ever thought I had disappointed him or let him down even the slightest, and would be frantic to regain his approval, miserable until I had reassurance that he had forgiven me.
I know just how pampered and spoiled I am, and I fully aware of my privileged status. I share as much of it as I can with my friends and neighbors, opening up my life to them and inviting them to take part in my rich rewards, entertaining them and sharing our home, our boat, our lifestyle with them as much as we can.We live our American's dreams.
I used to think that I was unaffected by being pampered and spoiled, but I no longer believe that. I am his pampered, spoiled pet, and I have lost touch with that simple boy who once was me. I know that I have changed and can never go back to my humble roots. It would be cultural shock for me now.