"Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us."
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Need a Blow....!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Pictures of the day
Ok guys!
Yesterday we had a great night with awesome neighbours! and eat and eat and catch up with all story! mixed between english and Norwegian @flamish.
Today I had an opportunity to invite few neighbours over for Lunch!
For appetizer
Got to go with typical Norwegian Cheese and tomato dressing
next main course
Baked Chicken@ satay style with peanuts source and Chicken Rice ball
Fusion delight maybe
with Desserts
Home made coconut ice cream.
We have a great winter still and very icy out here!
I am not losing my kitchen artsy yet! huhuhuhu
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Kristiansund,Norway here we are! Her er vi!
So here are some pictures...mostly foods that is so me! blek
home made pizza n dip
lovely cake - blotkaken
yum yum yum norge choc- I will never eat any other choc after this!
for increase of body fats! hahahahah
this is hubby ideal home-50 inch plasma! duh
at the store - so much so little time!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Post Bahasa Ibunda! and for international readers as well
Uols selalu tak Iron dan cuci baju laki masing2

Wah mek tahu Cik Puan Lee D Ratu memang rajin membasuh dan mengosok baju laki nya! kan kan kan!
Tapi kita enjoy kan buat benda2 macam itu! Mek ni sejak dari zaman ber bf lagi rajin mengosok dan membasuh baju laki mek nii! matilah kuli batak!
Dah jadi gay berkejaya pun masih lagi mek tetap basuh baju, seluar, boxer, stokin laki mek nyehh semua! bukan lah mek nak cakap besar kan tapi itu lah antara tanda kasih kita. apa korang sanggup?
Bagi kami nak pergi makan kat luar tu adoiii payah! laki mek tetap nak makan masakan kat rumah! so kenalah masak uols!
ni tetap sakit sakit laki mek ni banyak benor minta nya nak makan itu lah ini lah! wah demand gituh, semenjak ubat cancer dah berkesan dan cancer spreading dah stop, wah mula lah nak makan itu ini! kesian lah pula kan. mek ikut kan saje! matila kalah pompuan mengandung!
nak makan nasi lemak katanya, masak lah nasi lemak, melilau cari ikan bilis kat Berlin ni! gila kejap! nun jauh ke Frankfurt pergi beli cili kering,belacan, ikan bilis bagai! adalah 3-4 jam naik train. Bukan lah macam si izuan tu! wah khelas ko maria. petik2 jari dah makan kat rumah kawan bagai!
Tak pa lah mek ingat ingat dulu masa mek kat hospital, siang malam dia jaga, sampai nak ke bilik air pun berdua! matilah sex dalam bilik air hospital! keji
OK now is for international readers,
Do you iron your husband clothes? I do and I have done it since we are boyfriend kinda relationship! I don't mind doing it, for me I called it as part of the training so I understand him, apart from assimilating his bod scenes!
Hence than until now I still doing my duty without any complaints, although few of my friends did scrutinized my action but I pretend not to listen.
For me I can run my household without any helper, morning chores for hubby and little one, cook for both ,send little one to play school, rush to office, lunch with my hubby in hospital, back to office and pick little one from nursery and went to see his daddy in hospital and back home by midnight!
pretty much tiring! but I must not feel that thou!
I remember my hubby is one who loved to eat whatsoever I cooked for him, we hardly or never dine outside accept for attending ceremony or party! recently after his cancer spreading has stop and medications work, he really want to eat "Nasi Lemak" oh yeah you could google it.
I 've to run down to Frankfurt for part of the ingredients! took 3-4 hours by train! I am not complaining but I am satisfied to cook for him.
I remember when I was hospitalized for my heart problem, he was there night and day taking care of me, up to we went for shower both....hahahha together! heheheheh I just loved that idea of bathing together! To make it sounds nasty its was in the hospital! huhuhuhu
Sunday, March 6, 2011
ewwww I've been stalk!

Occasionally I was stalk in my office in Berlin! WTF
This stalker happened to be a Lady! double WTF!
My Personal Assistant told me yesterday over the phone! This Lady as I could recall have a messy lifestyle not that I forgotten that she was drunk in one private party I attended!
She knew I am GAY and married with child! Triple FUCK!
I told Steve and he giggle at me continuously! ohh bloody husband of mine!
I do not know how severe this could be in future or for my carrier! yet to know! but I am ready to send my intelligent to dig what is she really looking on! creepy
The facts that I hate being Stalk!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
English Translation for my previous post
LOL, thousand apologies for my International Reader.
Thank you Micky for your asking!
Last two weeks ago i was assigned by ECB for special tasks! Going around the world and selling Bonds to bail out unprecedented debts crisis! huhuhhuh
My first stop was Doha,Qatar. Meeting Middle East rich and famous is always a doom for me, Thee requests for meeting at night time and only TWO Eyes Meeting at his so call Mansion!
Hence my previous working experience was with The Sheikh of Dub**, I have no problem to communicate in Arabic language! and my dear Hubby said
Oh! these are reasons why "thee" send me for special task. lol! Hubby is not following me, for his cancer treatment is still on going and he insisted me to take this opportunity and take a little time out for a while and get a fresh air! Sounds crazy but I must admit, I do need that! and Dear Hubby need his own sweet time as well!
Ok lets continue, So meeting the Bloody Middle East was held only during night time, so we have plenty of time to enjoy ourselves with desert cruise *i feel so like Sex and the City Theme* and shopping like a crazy person *yeah like one of the so call first lady from South East Asia Country!* awwwwwwwwwww bitch me darhling!
and we took a Jet to Beijing-Shanghai for another merry go around kinda trip, but we are wayyyyy too tired for shopping or planning to climb up the Great Wall of China! bloody hell, 2-3 of my staffs get stomach ache! and we have only few days before leaving to Tokyo!
Chinese hospitality is very top and above, being a vegetarian is not a difficult for me and being a Muslim so far is convenient both! I give A+ for China! for their generous hospitalities. ok ! my Mandarin is not bad, after all I am half Chinese. Thanks to my late mommy's.
Japanese in another hand was very stringent (as usual) and I must remember to be on time (not that I never been on time) and all the traditional rules and bla bla bla! talking about money is seem very easy to compare with either Chinese or Middle Eastern!
For now I am in Paris for finalizing how much money we have get through from sorta donation+bonds or whatever you want to call it! cant tell sorry! but worth the trip and we have not spend so much on accommodation and entertainment thou! heheheheh
Our paper for Norway visa's has been approved and depending on my Dear Hubby recovery, we will go back home in May (after his treatment) and Continue my routine from Kristiansand-Brussels for money! gosh i have sign up 2 years contract with EU.. huhuhuh
Sagaen Begynner
Mati lah Title entry dalam Bokmal Norwegian tapi....
entry dalam bahasa melayu! set set pengsan kejap! sebab memang teringin hendak menulis dalam bahasa melayu! walaupun BM masa A-Level cuma dapat cukup makan jer! bley
Memandangkan international readers dah kurang kan - seronok aku kecuali laki mak yang boleh lah membaca dalam bahasa melayu! wah khelass ko maria!
Mek ni tak de lain dok pusing2 jelajah dunia sambil minta minta derma bagai untuk Bank kesatuan tempat mek bekerja! bley
Ala menyundal ok pergi negara orang minta minta duit! yang paling lah mek tak boleh sekali masa di Doha. ya ampun tak kuasa nak meminta bagai dengan orang arab niih!
Nasiblah mek saudara seagama, nampak sangat bank kesatuan tempat kerja mek itu sangat pandai dalam hal hal berkaitan sosial, budaya, adat resam, agama dan bahasa! KEJI sesangat bak kata laki mek itu!
Kali ni jelajah minta derma, laki mek tak ikut serta sebab dia kan masih dalam treatment sakit kanser nyer itu! semoga cepat sembuh sayang! Tuhan itu sayang pada sayang, esok esok tak payah dok minum joli joli lagi.
Sambung balik cerita! alkisah jelajah minta derma bermula dari Doha, Beijin-Shanghai dan berakhir di Tokyo.
Jumpa dengan orang timur tengah ni ya ampun seksa! malam jer jumpa, siang siang dia membuta dalam rumah. buat anak kot! wakakakaka
Apa lagi mek pun shopping ala2 Isteri perdana menteri di sebuah negara nii kan! very de sangat! siap pergi santai santai di padang pasir lagi, ala ala sex in the city pula tema!
Yang paling seronok kaki tangan mek yang seramai 10 orang itu! nak ko hambek!
Next stop ke Beijing-Shanghai, ok ler suam2 kuku jer! agak sebab tak larat nak shopping jer, semua dok dalam bilik hotel! tak termasuk yang 2 -3 orang yang kene cirit birit bagai! kesian.
Upacara ke Tokyo sangat padat, korang tahulah jepon kan very de str8 minded, lagi lagi bab duit! tak kuasa aku!
Kami sekarang di Paris selepas upacara G20 dan dok sibuk kira berapa banyak pelaburan yang dibawa masuk! sorry lah tak boleh bagitahu!
yang pasti mek puas sebab kami belanja jalan jalan minta derma tak sampai ratus ribu euro, tapi bawa masuk 7 figure ok! so terpaksalah mek pula belanja vacation light light untuk staff mek yang bekerja macam orang gila!
kalau kerja kat shopping mall sure dapat 1 % kan ! tapi jangan lah berharap! tahun lepas pun no bonuses, ada lah dia bagi duit raya krismas! yang cukup lah untuk mek satu family first class round ticket balik Amerika kejap!
Tahun ni Raya puasa tak balik kot! Bulan May ni, habis treatment laki kat berlin, balik Oslo, Norway, sebab dah dapat approval letter on our visa application!
Wah panjang merepek! korang tak mo baca ada mek kisah! at least ada lah juga entry daripada kosong kan ! wakakakak
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