faham jer lah perangai ai yang memang baran! tapi paham juga perangai hubby ai yang cool bebenor! adalah dia tegur ai, ai pun ala2 bini solehahah *katanya* diam jer lah kan! sambil post2 menyusukan anak perempuan ai! bley imaginasi lucah!
So rabu hadapan, kami akan balik ke Malaysia! kowser kan! ai ni tetap ikut cakap laki! bak kata mak lee mah * king control! ucap betul2 control bukan kontol! eiiii matilah lucah lagi!
Senior Director ai kat ECB suka jer melepaskan ai balik ke Malaysia seminggu, sebab suruh ai hadir untuk rangka kerja lawatan dengan Bank Negara! sehari!.
Ai ok jer- sebab jimat duit ai- semua ECB bayar! tapi ai bukan jenis manusia macam itu! aku pun ada duit sendiri ok! terlebih dari cukup! ai bukan dari kalangan yang sudah ada duit lambak2 dalam bank tetapi masih mahu kaut lagi selagi ada!
KEJI sangat!
Ok now the Slightly English translation for my international reader! muah3 love you folks!
We are planning to visit Malaysia, but unfortunately, recently I had lost my temper to my father and two other sisters which I call them * Real Bitch + MAD COW + BLOODY PIGGY = WTF*
So things then has turned sour and I have not decided any yet until.....
My Darling Hubby give me some advice! I know I am the one that easily sly my temper if it affect me in any way! So being a rather good *so call WIFE*
I just listen *more like pretending! hehehe sorry hubby*
keep my mouth shut and imagine that I am milking my tits (but I don't have) to my 5 years old daughter *LOL* what a sick imagination .....
So the conclusion then! We are flying back to Kuala Lumpur next Wednesday!
Hence my Senior Director in ECB knew that ( I need to tell this old man btw) he was so happy and ask me for attending one day visit to Central Bank in Kuala Lumpur! lol and I say OK!
All expenses paid! but I am not that kind of people that so greedy! I have plenty of doughs in my banks! duh! I don't need that *ALL EXPENSES PAID* kind of things! I am happy to render my knowledge and services!
So! Springtime in New York is so good so far! accept for that hubby was hospitalized for two days for some minor infections! too much excitement maybe!
I have heard that Singapore Airline have this "Beyond First Class Luxury Suites" flying on Airbus A380! ( You guys can check it from youtube)