Saturday, February 27, 2010
Where I blog from?
Forgive me for not writing new updates! we were busy thought! and right now
We are in Seoul, Korea for Asia Economic conference! I will be presenting for Keynotes on Economics Theory and Application in Risk Management; What is wrong with Open Market?
will give u updates ans so. Happy weekend
Friday, February 19, 2010
6th episode -Gay Finances in a str8 world: How not to spend lavisly on every 14 of February

Wilcox says the economic downturn reminds us that marriage is more than an emotional relationship. It's also an economic partnership and social safety net.
"Of course, we would not want to advocate loveless unions for financial gain," writes Alex Roberts of the Institute for American Values in his essay "Marriage and the Great Recession." "But a greater societal appreciation of marriage's financial benefits could be helpful, especially among poor and working-class couples who are drifting farther and farther away from the institution of marriage."
This year, Valentine's Day spending is expected to reach $14.1 billion, according to the National Retail Federation. Instead of spending all those billions of dollars on flowers or candy, what if some financial sense (not cents) could be incorporated into the holiday?
We need to start a new tradition for Valentine's Day, one that includes a focus on personal finances rather than consumerism to demonstrate our love.
Take your sweetheart to see a financial planner or credit counselor before that romantic dinner. (You can find a nonprofit credit-counseling agency by going to Find a planner by going to the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards at, National Association of Personal Financial Advisors at or the Financial Planning Association at
Engaged couples could spend a little time between sips of wine talking about how they might manage their money after they wed.
Dating folks could come up with a "How do I love thee?" list that counts the ways they plan to be a better mate when it comes to money if, or when, they marry.
I know what many of you are thinking -- this woman has lost her mind. Won't people end up fighting after a meeting with a financial planner?
Talk about money on Valentine's Day? How unromantic.
Well, what I'm suggesting is a lot more romantic then ending up in a relationship or marriage in which the financial fights overshadow the romance.
Couples who report that they disagree over finances at least once a week are 30 percent more likely to divorce than couples who disagree about finances a few times a month, according to research by Jeffrey Dew, a professor of family studies at Utah State University. People may say their divorce was a result of fights over money, but the truth is, it's rarely about the money -- either the lack or abundance of it. More likely, the romance obscured the emotional baggage -- at first.
Interestingly, the marriage report found that divorce dipped a little during the first year of the recession.
"Only time will tell if the cumulative economic consequences of this recession redound to the benefit of marriage or to the detriment of marriage, especially among less-advantaged Americans," Wilcox writes. "But what is not in doubt is that the Great Recession has once again brought into clear relief the enduring truth that marriage and money, the nest and the nest egg, go hand in hand."
Roberts hopes the latter view gains some currency because, as he writes, "once the Great Recession lifts, more couples -- especially lower-income couples who are in the greatest danger of missing out on marriage's economic benefits -- can take full advantage of the emotional and material benefits associated with marriage."
Want to spice up your marriage for Valentine's Day and the rest of the year?
Find a way to deal with the financial issues that are keeping you apart. You'll have deeper intimacy -- emotionally and physically -- and you won't have to spend a dime on teddy bears, roses or chocolates.
It's a worthy one because in today's relationships, there's not nearly enough weight and work given to developing financial chemistry.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Soul Train - Let's Stay Together.
Whatever you want to do
Is alright with me
'Cause you make me feel, so brand new
And I want to spend my life with you
Me sayin' since, baby, since we've been together
Ooo, loving you forever
Is what I need
Let me, be the one you come running to
I'll never be untrue
Ooo baby
Let's, let's stay together
Loving you whether, whether
Times are good or bad, happy or sad
Oooo oooo ooo ooo, yeah
Whether times are good or bad, happy or sad
Why somebody, why people break up
Oh, and turn around and make up
I just can't seeeeeeeee
You'd never do that to me
(Would you baby)
'Cause being around you is all I see
It's why I want us to
Let's, let's stay together
Loving you whether, whether
Times are good or bad, happy or sad
Saturday, February 13, 2010
story 2

"My flat mate went back to Penang for the weekend. You can stay."
I got in the front passenger seat and he started up the car. We were chatting while his Camry navigated the empty Central Market streets. At a traffic light junction somewhere near PUTRA station, hi left hand fell on my right thigh. I smile and reached out my right hand to touch his lips, his face, his small deep-set eyes highlighted his high forehead...
His eyebrows made him look young. and he wore glasses, just like me. Then the light change.
I was lucky I got my wallet and ATM card in time before the bf threw me out. Since he won't cooled down anytime in the next 48 hours, i called up my best friend Riz and decided to go clubbing.
We went to Liquid first. It was one of those strange Friday night crowds, Flash but cheap and it made us 27 feel way too ancient, "But we are pretty! this young fish will sooner clad with us right! Riz murmured.
We spotted Lin, Jay fag hag and later three of us went for mamak's.
Riz told us about Henry, his 17 years old Tuesday night who had been calling him every hour for the past 3 days and pleading with him for sex.
why did you give him your real mobile number? stupid
I don't know. I came in his mouth and i was feeling good. Plus he had a nice ass that I was thinking of saving for next week.
Serves you right! bitch.
I thought he was cute. He has very nice eyes. Very sincere! arghhhh so my type.
Its usually the cute ones who are most fucked up, i crack
then another sissy bitch sein narrated the story that the hairdresser who had been accusing him of sleeping with his 25old bf who just moved to Bangkok.
This guy, as Riz pointed to his dick, "is just really screwed up. I don't even know him and i only slept with his bf once. But that was before they became a couple. And I heard they broke up last year.
and he's still worked up about it. He has the cheek to be angry with me. What about my feeling? What about the fact that he was sleeping with my bf before I broke up with him? KL is full of neurotic psychos, I tell you. Stupid neurotic psychos.
How old is he?
Forty, I heard
No wonder-lah, Getting ancient. It's the gay midlife crisis. They realize they don't want to grow up anymore. So they just become senile.
I just pray I don't turn out like that, auwwwwww scream Jay.
And become a pedophile some more.
or worse....
the two of them looked at me,
......have a Bangle bf. hahahahhahahaha" they crackle away like vampire
Cehhhhhhhhh, don't you like playing with Malay boys too , spat Riz...
After mamak's, we three decided to check our Backroom. One of Lin's friends called us up and told us it was really happening. Not to mention free entry.
I think I saw him for the first time in the toilet at Backroom. I was in there after 2 hours dancing non-stop, dousing my face with water, trying to cool down. At the next sink, a shirtless guy was literaly taking a shower, splashing his naked torso with handfuls after handfuls of water.
He had jus stepped off the urinals. He must have seen me peeving on the other guy cause when it was his turn at the faucet, he turned to me and smiled, I smiled back. Then he wiped his hand and left.
I stalked him around Backroom, like I was planning to rape him. He was hanging out with some people who looked like they were gay so i assumed that he was himself. It seemed like ages before I worked up enough courage to go up and introduce myself. It was his friends were all dancing that I did it. I yelled over the techno music and asking him for the time.
It's 5 morning, he yelled back.
He went back to looking at his friend son the dance floor. I tapped him again on the shoulder
Do you have a cigarette?
He shook his head , i don't smoke!
Remembering I had a packet of Strepsils in my pocket, I offered to him, nodding my head.
He looked at it carefully, took one, popped it in his mouth and smiled.
Thanks! he then showed me a bottle of mineral water, nodding his head!
I nodded in return and he watched me take a few gulps, Thanks!
I gave him back the bottle, No Problem!
Then he held out his hand "What's is your name?
"Jay here"
"I am Calvin" he reply
Nice to meet you , Jay
Nice to meet you too, I pointed to his friends on the dance floor " Your friends?"
Yeah, You alone?
I shook my head. we watched the crowd dancing under the crazy laser show.
I was thinking of things to say, "You are not dancing?"
Tired, Dancing all night!
How come I didn't see you?
I danced four straight hours at Movement. My friends wanted to come here so I follow them. But no more for me, How about you?
Just taking a break. I was dancing at Liquid
How was Liquid tonight? I wanted to go but my ex was there!
Who's your ex?
What 's your bf's name?
You really want to know? Calvin reply
Just curious! spat me quickly
I think you know him, You really want to know? Calvin play me out
You're going to tell me or not?, out of my anger
Calvin lived on the 20th floor of his condominium. It took a while, Slow elevator, I used the time to check him out carefully. He wasn't very tall. Could tell his body was slight, maybe even bony, under the white shirt and the khakis. His pale skin, under the light, gave off a corpse-like glow. His face is clean and veiny forearm. Walking behind him, I noticed he have nice hair.
We stop when we reach 119. All this time, we had been so quiet it was such a relief to hear the key turning in the lock on his door.
As he shut the door, I felt his hand reaching for the waist of my jeans and pulling my close to him.
His lips found mine, I had to lean against a wall to stop from falling over as he leaned into me and rubbed his crotch into mine. His tongue surged into my mouth and taste of beer and Strepsils. For a second, I couldn't tell whose tongue was whose!
what made you come up an start talking to me in Backroom?, His head was on my chest and was running my hand through his hair.
When you turned and smiled at me in the toilet, I wanted to see if I had a chance! Jay reply
A moment passed and he looked up at me "You wanted to see if you had a chance?
Jay smiled" A chance to see that smile again!"
Calvin reply" Are you serious!"
Of course, I'm serious
Wow! you are such a romantic!
I thought about it for a second and Its true , I am a romantic
"Someone told me once that true romance doesn't exist because there's nothing true about romance" Jay said
"You don't believe in romance?
I don't know. I think romance is like one of those lies we've been taught to revere. Romance is a beautiful lie! reply Calvin.
It was true, what he said " I can only lies to someone I rally care about!
I don't know if that kind of lying is good...
The morning light peeked through the thick dark curtains of his bedroom. We could hear the silent hiss of the air-conditioner.
I don't usually have this sort of conversation after sex! Calvin said
No neither do i, Whoever broke the boy's heart left him nothing, I thought to myself.
Most guys just roll over and sleep, or smoke and continue sleep!
I wished I had a cigarette then,
I once had this guy who sweated a lot when he slept. I couldn't handle that, and he thought it was nice and cosy. But it was like sleeping in a sauna, Calvin story
That's nothing, Jay boosted " I had this guy who insisted on putting his thing in my .... you know. I couldn't go to sleep at all. I kept having this urge to shit!
Calvin laughed. I made him laugh. It felt good, to have someone's body next to mine, laughing like that. It felt really good. I held him tighter and kissed him on the head. That made him stop laughing .
What was that for? Calvin ask
I don't know!
My father kisses me like that, on the head, I guess it's his way of showing love. Father always loved me more than my sisters
Does he knows?
No, His fingers play with mine, Does your family know?
Only my sister! Jay reply.
I used to have this fantasy that i would bring my bf back home and introduce him to my family, but it will never work that way, wanna to be slaughter can, i reply
He laughed again!
After waht seemed like forever molesting me in the dark hallway, just grouping me and rubbing me all over with both his hands, Calvin finally tore himself away from me. He turned on one of the apartment light and led me into living area. He asked me if i wanted a drink!
I've got that same beanbag from IKEA, but different color! Jay comment
I took a gulp of the Coke, Still standing.
He was already sprawled on the couch, legs spread-eagle.
Come and sit down, Calvin said, offering me the space between his legs, Instead of sitting , I went down on my knees. He was still hard...
After sex, we talked for an hour or two before continue sleep. Later i heard him get out of bed. Heard him brushing his teeth.
When we finally woke up, at four in the afternoon, I had a massive hard-on and felt really horny. I climbed on top of him and started bare backing him, He moaned under me. When he tried to move, I pinned him down. I breathed heavily into his ear and bite his shoulder. I masturbated my cock in the trench of his ass. Calvin moaned!!
I bit his ear.
I asked him " Do you want it?
He kept on moaning.
I knew he wanted it at that precise moment.
I used my legs to force his legs apart. I humped faster and even penetrated slightly. The precum made it easier!
"Fuck Me"
"fuck Me"
"Beg Me"
Fuck Me"
"No, He jerking his lips, rubbing his ass against me.
I pushed in and fucked him
"Fuck Me. Fuck Me"
Friday, February 12, 2010
How am i doing in Malaysia? 4

What will you do if someone wake you up at midnight? do you feel horny (hello Nik), angry (you maybe) or blur (its mememe!)

So, whats up with my hubby! he whisper to me and said "Ling (short for darling) i am famish! could you prepare me those Malay's pancake you did in the morning. "Malay's crepe!" i reply...still blur. oh ok Sayang (it darling in malay) no problem.
Preparation 1, the batter mixed together with onion, anchovies, crab stick and flour with water and little bit salt for taste.
Then, scoop with spoon and fries it with hot oil.
You may dip it with tomato or chillies ketchup or special coconut gravy leftover.
Then, prepare it for my King aka Steve.
Then he kiss me and went to bed and sleep! and me...i can't sleep anymore...arggh
I am not lucky though! My hubby doesn't know how to cook or even fry an egg! so HOW? not that i complain but i love to cooks for my hubby and most importantly he likes my cooking. The whole satisfaction that i cannot resist even though the request is made after midnight!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
story 1

Of course darling! any big fish around? Do you think that i could snap my petite finger and 10 bloody hot men will linger with me just like that! riz query. oh you are better than can baby, coz you have what every man's looking for! jay nodded and add, lets get one baby!

Riz has just won 2 tickets for a gay cruise on Discover Club Atlantis Cancun from Hong Kong to Singapore. All that he has to do is to write why he is gay?. In the very creative way (too boring to mention here) riz wont the 1st price and on a cruise with his bestie jay, they live together in an apartment near Bangsar Village, where you could find variety type of fishes from all around the world, if you could understand what is the real fish is all about dear.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Bitching around - Math Genius
Bang! then i wonder what has happens to this once a child maths genius who won a place at Oxford University at just 13...yeah the young prodigy Sufiah Yusof's!. Now the only sums she interested in are the ones she earns as a HOOKER. ciennkan!
The things with her is, she never called herself "i am made from Malaysia" or to be more precise "i am proud to have a Malaysian mother" WTF! i've meet her twice, when she is the student at St Hilda's,oxford and me at Trinity, Cambridge for the Oxbridge versus the Yanks in Math competition. I recall her to be shy and cold and genius with heavy English cockney. Snub away with her Briticisms after all. oklah maybe cozz i eat belacan (fish paste) a lot...

The shocking part is, Malaysia is so pathetic taking her mother in and promote her to a consultant for Early Childhood Education! WTF if you wanted your son or daughter to be a whore or whatever in the future, please sign-up with her... are Malaysian's has lose their judgment on values and culture...there are plenty overqualified Guru's in Malaysia! Can't they find one?

The government has sacrifice millions to champion safe sufiah yusof's and neglecting us. Oh how i pity the rest of Malaysian's student. Yeah, maybe this is the 1 Malaysian concept they wants.
------------------------------i add a footnotes here.
I'm having a rhetoric conversation here, disappointed with the current government only. not that i hate British people.
Friday, February 5, 2010
How am i doing in Malaysia? 3
There was a small party to celebrate granny at my father's house in Bukit Bangsar. A regular meet-up for all of us raging from different categories, 100% Chinese (KL & Penang cousins), 50% Chinese (like me and few other cousin who are Muslim and Christian), a bunch of ABC (American born Chinese) and long lost friends.
So, i am obliged to cook all her favorites dishes, like Vegetarian curry puff, Chocolate Vegetarian Cake & Pineapple tart and all sort of Nyonya kuih . Suite me! i has become a house wife, so got nothing else to do, accept for cooking and baking! but i do it with all pleasure and happy to serve as it always reminisce of my late mother, whom favorites hobby is cooking for her family.
I learn some from my her, some from my sister, part from my granny and a lots from my father. So guess if i am missing here in blog-sphere is for the reasons to pleasure some one tummy (many tummy). Granny insist to stay at our house in Balik Pulau. Breakfast as early as 6:30am and 10am, lunch somewhere else (lucky me) than back for high tea around 5pm and that is it! no dinner for her.
as for Steve and me, we were totally the other way of it. dinner at mamak's with family member at 10th.

and for tomorrow, i will serve laksa penang or penang rice noodle for the entire bunch of my family. (this delicacy should be cook and leave overnight to give extra flavor)
So, now i can adjourn and go to sleep. nightly night
Monday, February 1, 2010
Soul Train - Dream a Little Dream of Me.
There is a French Version but the translation does not compliment the beauty as to what it has been written in English.
FilesTube Lyrics for Dream a Little Dream of Me