"Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us."

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bitching around - Math Genius

laju laju buaiku laju
*matila buai sambil pakai spender jer*

OK, you can fuck me if you don't like the following post, but i just wonder through my exotic lifestyle (duhh), uhmm then i say, hello! there is other fucked-up whore out there who've been caught in their life too, not just me. ceh
i am the last hooker u wanna meet
130 pound per hour ...bley

Bang! then i wonder what has happens to this once a child maths genius who won a place at Oxford University at just 13...yeah the young prodigy Sufiah Yusof's!. Now the only sums she interested in are the ones she earns as a HOOKER. ciennkan!

The things with her is, she never called herself "i am made from Malaysia" or to be more precise "i am proud to have a Malaysian mother" WTF! i've meet her twice, when she is the student at St Hilda's,oxford and me at Trinity, Cambridge for the Oxbridge versus the Yanks in Math competition. I recall her to be shy and cold and genius with heavy English cockney. Snub away with her Briticisms after all. oklah maybe cozz i eat belacan (fish paste) a lot...

Ok you can read the rest of it from News of the Worlds website and there are several links to compliment it.

The shocking part is, Malaysia is so pathetic taking her mother in and promote her to a consultant for Early Childhood Education! WTF if you wanted your son or daughter to be a whore or whatever in the future, please sign-up with her... are Malaysian's has lose their judgment on values and culture...there are plenty overqualified Guru's in Malaysia! Can't they find one?

The government has sacrifice millions to champion safe sufiah yusof's and neglecting us. Oh how i pity the rest of Malaysian's student. Yeah, maybe this is the 1 Malaysian concept they wants.

------------------------------i add a footnotes here.

I'm having a rhetoric conversation here, disappointed with the current government only. not that i hate British people.


Anonymous said...

Mmmn. yeah, Ok.

So what do you want us to do about it?

Bitchy, blather, blather.

Boy on swing.

Fish photo.

Cute boy with condescending man trying to get onto his level (ha ha! no chance!)

Methinks there might have been too much peanut sauce.

Suf n Steve said...

attraction is much more important then the peanut inside...

howbout that dear

anyhoos thanks for stopping by

Paul Figaro J said...

ohh.....i thought u r going to write abt urself...math genius..heheh

Suf n Steve said...
