"Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Our Way - Norwegian Way

I seem to spend most of the winter travelling around Northern Europe. So constantly back and forth from Head Office in Bruxelles and our home in Kristiansund, Norway by airplane!

I never regret for doing a bit of travelling (about 1 hour plus by airplane- one way) twice everyday, as long as i am with my lovely Steve!

You guys might wondering why Kristiansund, Norway? Steve was assigned here for his latest project. and being a good house wife i am, i could not bear to be distance away from him, it breaks my heart and not to mention little Sophie as well.

It always surprise me how little daughter of us be able to stay calm and get along with travelling around. First Berlin, Germany then Kristiansund, Norway.

Language is not a barrier at all in here, people are so warm and helpful. I have a good neighbor next door. I kinda fancy Scandinavian foods (mostly seafood) and design.

Today we had minus 10 Celsius. Long John in and socks and earplug as well. The popular hot drink here is called Glogg. Basically you need to cook it with spices like cinnamon, clove and lemon zest. Learn this from my neighbor.

I did a Norwegian rice pudding yesterday called riskrem with red sauce @ raspberry source.

here is the recipes

3 cups whipping cream
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
5 cups cold rice pudding

Whip cream, sugar and vanilla until creamy and stir into porridge.

Red sauce bag (raspberry)
1 cup raspberry jam

Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Norway. A land of mountains, mists, sea, fiords and expensive food.

Glugg, which I believe has an 'i' in Swedish is not unknown in England - taken warm to ensure mellow drunkenness for you and your guests after a meal.

A Swedish friend of mine used to serve it after Christmas Eve dinner and at New Year.