IT has comes to me! lalalala
I know lots of secret! heheheheh (with devilish smile)
Does everybody knows? before 9/11 tragedy, the state of economy of USA is no more dominated by Jews Corporation/Individual.
It was lead by the Middle East Financial House. ( YES YES, i have the reports in front of me, now) and the same situation occurs in EU too.
The Oils Economic Factor, i called it. and How is the state of investment after 9/11?
Never better...hahahahah!
The Domino power does not make an investment from Middle East smaller!
So, if we thoughts that Western Economics Fortune are growing on its own! you are so wrong!
Will Great Britain survive after few European Union Countries collapses?
How many Corporation in London Stock Exchange owned by Foreign Entity?

Tell me Sir! what is the current state of spending of Great Britain?
Will the Queen of England @ the Royal Family willingly by all meant selling their Crown Jewel to bailout this beloved country?
Call me NASTY BUGGER! but if the state of Economics of Great Britain is not moving in the next 6 month! disaster will that be!
As we (Group of Economists) have presented in our report to EU. Why EU must stand United in their decisions to save @ bailout the PIGS (Portugal, Italy/Iceland, Greece & Spain) ?
Simply to have to secured the Domino's effects from spreading the entire Europe, 1. 2nd would be to secure the continuous investment from Foreign states! and last is to reinstate the Euro.
Euro might need to be block or put to one value in the next seasons only IF they should know the reasons!
What with Open Market when you are not sure what should be open and what should not be open.
Like i always said " World are Dominated by STUPID PEOPLE" who very much likely to "SWEEP ALL THE PROBLEM UNDER THE CARPET". and
before you notice it! These has already turns to BAD, STINKY, ROTTEN ASSHOLE that non ANTI-AGING CREAM SOLUTION would do any good to em!

Just like MJ's. I do pity him btw....
Yes. I hope George listens to Vince and that David is still hugging Nick coz they're going to need to, er, take a firm grip.
There are some of us who think the banks ought to be held responsible you know but that's only because they keep on recovering and making obscene profits at our expense while we never do anything to stop them but even sycophantically bail the buggers out.
Seriously! Micky
Do you think that the bloody Politician ever will listen to Economists!
They only listen to the words of MONEY from tyrant capitalists!
They will only TURN to us (The Economists) when they are in deep shit hole and say " Oh! Why don't you alert us before hand"
I would love to give a BIG SCREW from BEHIND and say "SHUT YOUR BLOODY ASS, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!"
hello Nasty Bugger (you asked). I didn't want to say anything but I left Greece just before it collapsed and now I am in UK just before it collapses...
Where should I go next?
Nik Darling,
I wish Russia is not corrupted as before.
The Economics of Northern European seem fine for me! as for now.
Apart from natural disaster!
Thee welcome our kind too!
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