"Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Medicine or Exercises ?

I am a very healthy person, with exception in 2008 i was diagnosed with Heart Failure. I watch what I consume, and try my hardest to have a very balanced diet. I do not consume beef, and I only eat organic foods. I run like a bitch for less than 20 miles per week, and then two other days a week I do a weird assortment of cardie at the gym. Either cycle, elliptical, and or the treadmill, on the occasion I might joint a palates ...

However these last few weeks after Raya and fasting month of Ramadhan and during summer holiday, I have done none of the above. I have been so stressed, and I have not ran and I am eating like a cow or worst.

Surprise ! It has made me feel better, however I am reaping the benefits as of today. I truly have not looked into the mirror, until last night and I did not like what I saw(Steve is giggling at me, geram aku). Staring back at me was this chubby little fat guy. I know I am not fat, but I do not like this. I have developed love handles, my abs are shot all to hell, and well as for my pecks they are now hidden under a layer of fat, only one layer please!!!.

I just got back from the gym, and I weighed myself. I thought the damage was 5-6 pounds, but hell no it's more on the lines of 10-12. I am hoping some of this is false weight, and also some of it I believe is solid waste. Due to the fasting I am constipated for the first time in my entire life (hei! it was summer, what can i do?). I am going to start back on my regular eating habits, and cut about 300 calories a day off. I will then go to the gym 5 days a week, 3 days I will run 6 miles(trying my best), and the other two will or three days will be an assortment of cycle, and elliptical...

It's odd having my entire body thrown out of wack. This morning at the gym I ran 2 miles, but I was so stiff and achy. And lets not even discuss the cycle, shall we not...

The above pic is medicine called Terfamex (only available in South America, similar to Cardispan or Avesil it helps you with your false weight! NOT CHEAPER. But i love to have my ideal weight 132 pounds so i looks every inch appealing to my hubby!!!. Don't ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I `32 lbs based on your BMI?