Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A daily grind: What it feel being young and unemployed
What Authorities have just said!
"But this is just the start of a long and downward spiral, which all too often leads to crime, homelessness or worse. Only by stopping young people falling out of the system can we rescue this lost potential and save the economy billions each year," said Madam X, the charity's chief executive from Britain.
The Democrat work and pensions spokesman, Steve W., added: "Young people should be getting intensive support as soon as they sign on instead of having to wait a year for a guarantee of a job or training place. With vacancies at a record low, it is vital that we prevent today's school and university leavers from becoming a lost generation of long-term unemployed."
But Did we try listening what youth had to say about their unemployment? We did not! We simply judged them. Let's understand from these lads, both has been interviewed a month before Christmas.
Boy no 1 - D Tucker , 19
I've got good grades in art, English and science. I failed maths. That makes things difficult, that's what everyone looks at – maths, English and science. I've had quite a few jobs. I've worked in Hobbycraft, Asda, an optician's. I found I was mistreated a lot because I didn't have good grades. They thought I was thick. I'm not, honest. I've been unemployed a year and five months. It's horrible. I can't do anything, I can't go on holidays. I live in a council flat but I haven't got much of a life. I stay at home, watch TV, talk to neighbors.
That's it. It gets boring. I get depressed. I'm on tablets for being depressed. I'd like to get into care work. I've been trying but nobody wants anybody at the moment. You have to save for a month to go out. I get $156 a fortnight and I have to pay part rent out of that. After I've bought my food, gas, water, electricity, television and water there's nothing. I haven't been to the cinema for years. I'd only go to McDonald's if someone else is paying for me.
I can't get a job in town because I couldn't afford the bus fare and you get paid a month in hand so I couldn't get a job away from here without getting in debt. It's catch-22. To be honest if I got a job after paying full rent I wouldn't be better off anyway because I'd lose part of my rent and tax benefit.
Boy No 2 - G Aherne 17
I got kicked out of school three years ago. I had to go to a different place and I've got no qualifications. Over the past year I've been doing courses – level-one painter and decorator, level-one construction. But that hasn't led to any job. I get $30 a week. It doesn't go very far – just on fags and stuff like that. It's hard.
There's nothing going on. We go and try to find work but there isn't anything around and that's very frustrating. When we go to college they just get you to fill in forms but it doesn't come to anything. Last Christmas, I worked in Home Depot for two weeks. I'm hoping to be able to do that this Christmas again but I don't know if there'll be anything in between that. It's just boring. I think the government should make sure there's more for young people like us to do.
The ILO ( International Labor Organization) data shows that the employment rate of 16 and 17-year-olds dropped to 28.6% in April-June from 34% a year earlier, while the rate for people aged 18 to 24 dropped to 59.8% from 64.1%.
These Boys (and even more out there)and girls wants to be employed. But the mechanisms create by both government are not effective and only targeting on certain individual. The mapping is somehow turn blue and thus providing dilemma among teenagers.
The Academic skills and technical skills mapping should be implement, thus creating balance in workforce. We understand in reality that not everybody is good academically, some are created to be technically savvy.
These two-pillar (as we often said in education world) need to be revised during recession period. Remember that our youth is our future. Thus, for these 2 lads not to choose wrong career (if you know what i meant-i.e pornography-drug-gangster)
i offered to both of them to work at the cafe belong to Steve's Uncle! include with lodging At least that will help these 2 to start with their life and be able to coop with their technical learning. I learn this by observing the Chinese community lives in Chinatown. The wealthier will provide protection, works, lodging, foods and all necessary support to the newbie, and this has been practices long ago.
My point is, there is so many individual out there who need our helps and supervision. This technique will ensure our future generation will live in better place. Now ask your good self, will you do this?...
Do you know? - Bad movie
Here are the top movie ticket sales Friday through Sunday, with estimated weekend receipts, and total receipts since the movie opened. The number of weeks opened is in parentheses.
from boxofficemojo.com. ok peeps, i am not goin to watch this avatar movie, yeah blue peeps and war with alien!, we have more important issues like illiteracy, malnutrition, war and instability among human nation. Come on they could create things even better than all these...
Friday, December 25, 2009
Do you know? - Merry Christmas

Jay! u'll better let us in for free, i have put this in my blog
Merry Christmas! Today we're marking this happy holiday with a look at a few adjectives of joy.
We begin with merry, a very old coinage still used to describe something marked by festivity or gaiety. Merry, which shares ancestral linguistic relations with the Germanic word for short, once meant "giving pleasure or causing happiness"; "agreeable"; "amusing"; "delightful"; "sweet." That sense is now archaic, but merry still suggests gay, cheerful, or joyous uninhibited enjoyment.
Compare the merriment of merry with the joys of jolly. Jolly can be synonymous with jovial; since the 14th century, jolly also has been used to mean "full of high spirits"; "joyous"; "cheerful." On another winter program, we talked about how the word jolly comes from the Old Norse jol (or /yol/), which once named "a pagan midwinter festival" and which also gave our lexicon (and the season) the term Yule.
You'll be cheered to know jovial traces back not to jol but to jove. That Latin-based name for Jupiter, the ancient Roman god of the sky, lives on in both the interjection by jove (used to express surprise or agreement), and also the adjective jovial, meaning "marked by good humor, especially as exhibited in mirth, hilarity, or conviviality." Jovial describes something convivially jolly, or someone who takes a high pleasure in good fellowship, while jolly may suggest the abundant high spirits that go with laughing, bantering, and jesting.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thank you & Greetings
I tell you Peeps, This TagHeuer -Club Monaco (very rare species, they only made 100 pcs in the world) is what my hubby dream for! the price tag? i keep it for me self. Amex will do the 1 year interest free calculation for me. hehehe
I enjoy giving as much as receiving, it is not the price but the values of joy and happier and love.

Thank you for the warm wishes. may god blessed you folks. Happy Holiday
Nik: its time to revenge.... you know what i meant!
to fufu: kene jadi adek angkat dulu baru boleh bagi hadiah....
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Cakes + Gifts + Loves
Thank you darling for the gifts and the cakes. I love you indeed.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Happy Birthday darling
lacking It will never get dry Often I wonder And ask myself,
Why do I feel, Without you I”d die.

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Do you know? - Biological Imperative

You're just like your father, the six words that used to make me cringe. You might as well as insult me and say: "you're old fashioned and a nag".
like most girls and boys, i grew up determined to not be anything like my father. I recognized his good points, of course! but i also saw so much that was unreasonable, old-fashioned and stubbornness. I loathed the way he judge my lifestyle (very very difficult, indeed) and the way he tormented me when i act gay (he said "do you really wanna be women-i cut off your dick!!!)
I put up with all these things in my childhood and they drove me crazy during my teens, but by the time i left school, i was also ready to leave home.
I believed and vowed - foolishly, it seems to me now! that i was going to be very much different. Little did i know that the very same attitudes, thoughts and idiosyncrasies were living and forming deep within me; that i was slowly, inexplicable and inexorable becoming my father.
Your parent is your world until you're 12 years old or so. Then, for the next twenty years you go through an exhilarating love-hate-love ride that ultimately provides you with an understanding of your parents that is both painful and delightful.

You suddenly realize that they are the only person in the world who really knows you after all; the only person who can still tell when you're upset or angry or sad just by looking at your face; the only person who truly love you unconditionally.
Whether or not it is true of all of us, I cannot say. However i am coming to accept that my father is a part of me which i will never rid of. Although i can still tell the different between his good and his bad points, the lines between the two are getting rather blurred.
The things about him that i viewed as chronic failures of obsessive parenthood now seem like simple acts of humanity instead. I am even -gasp - coming to admire him for his strength.
I once blamed him for get married for 2nd time after my mom death. But after a few years of hacking it out in the real world myself, I can see why he had to do it (although he simply followed grandma wishes!stupid). I also once said i hated him for not allowing me to go on with my PhD. But peeps, when you in deep trouble (shit), my father was there to support me, in bad time or good time, unconditionally.
So, for my coming birthday,my resolution are: First, i will try to love my father better, not only in monetary values, but try my best to understand him better.
Second, to gives 10% out from my yearly earning to the poor, unconditionally. and last but not least trying harder to be a good Muslim in future.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Do you know? - Surface
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Do you know? - Bank
95 years later, with federal monetary policy still a hot topic, we're banking on the idea that looking at the various sorts of banks in our lexicon still holds interest.

Gaybank Ltd, How can i help you?
'Various sorts'? That's right. The bank that names "something piled or accumulated in the form of a mound" is considered, by linguists, to be distinct from the bank where money is stored. And those banks are different, according to lexicographers, from the banks that refer to "sets of elevators or any other groups of objects arranged together in rows or tiers."
The bank referring to "a river bank," "a fog bank," "the steep slope," or "the lateral inward tilt of a surface along an airplane" are all believed to have a Scandinavian origin. The earliest version of this bank entered Middle English in the 13th century.

Cutest (GAY) Bank Manager-to my expectation
Two centuries later, the bank naming the establishment concerned with the exchange, custody, issuance, and loan of money was borrowed into Middle English from either Middle French or Old Italian.
And two centuries after that, in the 17th century, the bank meaning "a group of objects arranged together" made its way into English from Old French.
But where do these banks arise from? Believe it or not, they all harken back to the Germanic word for "bench."
Monday, December 14, 2009
Bill of Rights

A bill of rights names any document containing a formal statement of rights; when Americans refer to the Bill of Rights, we're referencing the summary of fundamental rights and privileges guaranteed to the people against violation by the state.
Perhaps surprisingly, the phrase Bill of Rights predates its ratification by 17 years. That phrase first appeared in print in 1774, 85 years after the English adopted its own Bill of Rights in 1689. The 1774 coinage was used by the first Continental Congress when it adopted its Declaration and Resolves, a document asserting the rights, liberties, and immunities of the colonists.

Friday, December 11, 2009
Money Can't Buy Happiness ?

life has been one large lesson that money can't buy you love -- or keep your secrets.
Let's recap. The world's best golfer, a husband and father of two small children, crashed his car late last month. That accident opened the door to allegations that he's had affairs with at least 10 busty bombshells.
What has followed is a lot of commentary on what we can learn from Tiger's admitted "transgressions."
Tiger's troubles provide the perfect cautionary tale for young girls and boys who yearn for the fame, but sometime forget the 'bitter' that comes along with it, Terrence Samuels of The Root writes in The Tiger Woods Lesson: Do You Really Want to be Rich and Famous?.
A panel of experts at the Post's new On Success Web feature weighed in on Tiger's travails.
"We just expect more of people who are well-known because we secretly want them to pay a price for their fame and money," wrote On Success panelist Garrison Wynn, founder of Wynn Solutions.
Another panelist, Celeste Owens, a motivational speaker and licensed psychologist, wrote: "Being a public figure has its advantages (e.g., endorsements, huge signing bonuses) and disadvantages (e.g., being held to a higher standard/role model) -- one cannot divorce the two. Like it or not, to whom much is given, much is required."
"Tiger Woods has certainly profited from his fame, therefore I have little sympathy for the costs he simultaneously incurs from this notoriety," wrote Catherine H. Tinsley, associate professor at Georgetown University's business school and the executive director of the GU Women's Leadership Initiative.
Tinsley went on to say: "He has earned this money not just through his sports winnings but also from all his endorsements and sponsorships. Thus, he reaps profit now because he is famous, because people look up to him, model after him, and want to be him. I might also add my speculation that his sexual attractiveness is heightened by his fame -- because people look to him and model after him, women want to be with him."
The Color of Money Question of the Week was: Tiger Woods is a highly paid pitchman who encourages us to buy products based on who he is and what he stands for, are we out of line to question his personal behavior?

Luciana Serra - The Queen.
Serra made her international debut in 1966 at the Hungarian State Opera House in Budapest, but did not achieve general acclaim until the late 1970s, when she took on coloratura roles in Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor and Bellini's La sonnambula. Her 1987 performance in Rossini's Il barbiere di Siviglia and her 1988 performance in Donizetti's Don Pasquale are still praised for the clarity of her voice.

Very pure high notes and well train among female or young male sopranos. Thus my favorite piece goes to her performance in Mozart: The Magic Flute.
Her fame reached a peak during the 1980s, when she performed the "Queen of the night" in Die Zauberflöte at the Royal Opera House in London.
In 1988 Serra debuted at the Vienna State Opera singing the Queen of the night in a new production of Die Zauberflöte conducted by Nikolaus Harnoncourt and staged by Otto Schenk.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
why interracial sex is sexy

To reply to dear Nik The Greek, Sexiness is actually all Mental. It's mostly, but not entirely, in the mind of the beholder and it's based on morality.
Basically, Sexiness involves the breaking of some major or minor moral code. Seeing a men in the nude is sexy where men normally dress. Seeing a men's underwear, boxer, spandex or thigh, is sexy since these are normally not supposed to be seen.
Kissing a lad just before puberty is sexy because this is usually illegal. Having sex with a married men is sexy because you know he is breaking his married vows. Lesbian are sexy to most men because women don't normally give each other full kiss on the lips.
Interracial sex is sexy because it used to be illegal. Sex with a nun/priest is sexy because it means they are breaking their vows to the Christ. and you can go right down your lists; when it comes to what turns men on, look at what moral code being broken.
and you said "mostly", it was in the mind. and what i say to you men "Sex should be part of love"
but you will denied it and leave sooner or later.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Do you know? Lethal
The long-ago lethal meant not simply "capable of causing death"; "of, relating to, or causing death"; but also a specific sort of death—a "spiritual death. (please watch lethal weapon)" That sense is now archaic, but lethal still describes something that is bound to cause death or that exists for the destruction of life (lethal gas).The term lethal has its roots in letum, a Latin term for "death," but was influenced by the Greek Lethe meaning "forgetfulness." In mythology, those who drank of the River Lethe in Hades (the underworld) would forget the past. We can't forget how many similar-seeming terms for lethal exist in our lexicon.

the deadliest of all lethal weapon-women
Take deadly, for instance. Deadly is the adjective used to describe an established or very likely cause of death (a deadly disease); it was born of a Germanic word meaning "dead." Mortal, which implies that death has occurred or will occur soon (mortal wound), comes from Latin. Remember the Latin mori, meaning "to die"? In addition to developing into mortal, mori also breathed life into the terms mortuary and moribund.
Finally, there's fatal, which, like lethal and mortal, owes a debt to Latin. Fatal stresses the inevitability of what has in fact resulted in death or destruction (the consequences were fatal); the Latin fatum means "prophetic declaration"; "oracle"; "what is ordained by the gods"; "destiny"; "fate."
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Do you know? Tea help lift your mood
Imagine a steaming cup of tea. Breathe deeply, inhaling the gentle aroma. Feel good? Calm and at peace? No wonder. Tea has been enjoyed for its relaxing, mind calming benefits for thousands of years.
Unlike coffee, which enjoys a fast-paced jittery cult of its own, drinking tea encourages us to slow-down, sit quietly and enjoy the moment. There is something elegant and refined about drinking tea, something we tend to associate with Asian cultures, intricate ceremonies and ladies in gloves.
But evidence mounts that those ancient tea-sipping civilizations knew something about the healthy benefits of tea. The relationship between tea and good health has been studied for several thousand years and research continues today. And as it turns out, tea is not only good for your state of mind. Its good for your body, too.
What we know as tea are the leaves of Camellia sinensis plant. Black, white, oolong and green tea are all made from varieties of this same plant. Although white and oolong tea have been enjoyed for centuries in Asia, Americans are most familiar with black tea and due to a large amount of recent scientific and media attention, green tea.

- Black tea increases exercise endurance in exercise by improving how fat is metabolized.
- Black tea can help prevent diabetes.
- Black tea can boost your immune system helping to fight off colds and flu.
- Black tea can lower stress hormone levels.
- Black tea reduces the risk of heart attacks by preventing blood clotting

- Green tea helps to prevent atherosclerosis by lowering LDL cholesterol levels
- Prevents diabetes, liver disease, dementia and some kinds of cancer
- Cures bad breath
- Speeds weight and fat loss by raising metabolic rates
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Business Etiquette - Do you know?

"RSVP" might as well be Greek. Actually it's French, and it stands for the phrase, "Repondez, s'il vouz plait" or "Please respond." The practice of asking for a response to an invitation has been around at least since the time of the court of the French king, Louis XIV. It must have been about that time that people needed to be reminded to reply to invitations.
The minute you receive an invitation, whether it is for a business luncheon or dinner, an after-hours reception, the wedding of a client or colleague, a casual office get-together or any business/social event, check your calendar. Your next step is to respond. Don't put off replying unless you need additional information or have to check with someone else. The person issuing the invitation needs to know as soon as possible how many people will be attending in order to plan properly. Be considerate.

"RSVP" clearly means to reply one way or the other. It does not mean reply if you feel like it or only if you are coming. The words "Regrets Only" mean just that. Send a response only if you don't plan to attend.
Respond in the manner that the host suggests. If a phone number is given, you may call. If a postal address is on the invitation, your reply is expected in writing. If an email address is listed, head for your computer.
Once you have replied, do what you said you would do. If you said you would be there, go. If you responded that you couldn't attend, don't decide to go at the last minute. If something comes up to prevent you from attending, let your host know as soon as possible. If you can't do so before the event, contact the host first thing the next day to explain your absence and to apologize. For a meal event, like a dinner party, you must call before the party to say you can't make it. If you get a flat tyre on the way to dinner, use your cell phone to contact your host that you have hit a snag.
Take note of who is invited. If the invitation reads "and guest,?? you may take a friend. If you see the words, "and family," take the kids. If it is addressed to you alone, go by yourself.
The whole purpose for "RSVP" is so the host can plan the food and arrange the venue for the right number of guests. When people fail to reply to invitations, those planning the event are at a distinct disadvantage. There is always the risk that there will be too much or not enough food. A firm that I co-worked with recently had a party for their clients and colleagues. Thirteen people replied that they would attend but 40 showed up. Of course, there wasn't enough for everyone to eat or drink. How inconsiderate is that?
The rule for responding to any invitation is to reply immediately, say what you will do and do what you say. Next time you may be the one planning an event and you won't want to be left in the dark, waiting to see who shows up.