"Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us."

Monday, June 29, 2009

"Happiness” can be accurately identified as whatever gets you ecstatic.

What are you really looking for in life?

Once you look deeper, beyond your desire for a bigger house or a fancier car or new partner, you will most likely discover that what you're search for is not more "stuff," but more happiness, more joy.

It may seem some people are born with enjoyment for life programmed, whereas for others finding happiness seems an elusive goal. But, like any programming, yours can be changed.

In line with what Mr Micky of Smutty Stuff suggested to put emphasis on “fundamental of stress-free living”, from my last topic here are just a few tips that can help you rewrite your life program into one that is filled with joy.

1. Experiment to find out what makes you happy. If you haven't taken the time to explore what brings joy to your life on a regular basis, you may realize you don't even know what brings you happiness anymore. If that's the case, try out different things, including some you've never done before. The answers just might surprise you.

2. Focus on gratitude. Incorporate a daily gratitude (appreciation) session where you identify something you are grateful for. You can express your gratitude in any number of ways: silently say "thank you," call or email the person you want to thank, or devise your own gratitude ritual – maybe try out "Sophia Sling from Mr Gomad.ch

3. Take time to savor life. Resolve to cut down on the rushing from one thing to the next – delegate or say no – to reduce your number of appointments and daily tasks.

4. Stop watching and reading depressing news. In the beginning you may worry that you'll miss something, but think about it – when was the last time you truly needed to know the things covered in the daily news. Being selective about the information you expose yourself to can have an incredible impact on your level of personal happiness.

5. Laugh now! When you're in the middle of a mess, look around you and realize the absurdity of the moment. Remind yourself that a year from now, no one will care, and you'll probably be laughing about it anyway, so why wait? Laugh about it now!

Happiness is important for so many reasons, beyond the obvious fact that most people would prefer to be happy rather than not. There is little doubt about the powerful effects positive emotions can have on your physical health and well-being. At the same time, there is equally little doubt about the effects that negative emotions can have on you.

Happiness will not only protect your body from stressors that can lead to coronary heart disease, but it can even boost your immune system's ability to fight off the common cold.

But, I've realized that for many, "happiness" is far too vague term. Do you struggle to define an activity that truly makes you happy? If so, I want to share with you a new definition that nearly everyone can easily grasp and apply.

"Happiness" can more accurately be identified by your brain as whatever gets you excited.

It is what makes you JUMP out of bed in the morning with eager anticipation to start your day. Once you identify that activity, whatever it is, you can start to focus on it, and structure you life to do more of that.

My mission is to catalyze the transformation of the educational systems. I truly love what I do, and that is why "working" long hours every week continues to be a source of happiness in my life. it doesn't meant i am not happy with my hubby! he is the foundation of my happiness.

And, speaking of work, and hence money, is it true that money can't bring you happiness?

I believe that to say, wealth can NEVER bring you happiness, is too simple a statement, because there are a number of factors involved. Financial wealth, when achieved through providing appropriate value to your culture can provide huge joy and satisfaction.

However, when you achieve wealth through mechanisms such as winning the lottery or being catapulted into the media spotlight, the value may not be entirely authentic, and thus the reward of wealth is completely unbalanced to your level of happiness. Many of today's media celebrities exhibit this type of lottery winner effect, where their riches have absolutely no impact on their level of happiness. Close example Michael Jackson.

But, essentially, it’s not the money in that brings either happiness or unhappiness, but rather its HOW your wealth is obtained that is the root of the equation.

With respect to happiness, financial wealth is a side effect of the journey to pursue it. But it is the journey itself that provides the joy and happiness. So if you cheat or take a shortcut, you will probably not achieve the happiness you seek.

In my opinion, happiness is not so much something you strive for, but a spontaneous/natural result of pursuing your given mission in life -- and following a natural lifestyle that allows your body to function at its highest possible level.



Anonymous said...

I don't like it when people shout their criticisms and challenges. That makes me unhappy. If people discuss them, or just take a moment to see how to phrase their point in a friendly way, then even that need not make me unhappy.

Maybe about money a point is that it's what you do with it matters a lot and nobody who has some should think that it will solve all their problems or necessarily give them happiness.

But, of course, it's easier in our society to be happier if you don't have money worries than if you do.

I feel you could almost make a whole series of posts about happiness. It's such a big thing!

Suf n Steve said...

Micky darling

i wish i could,if i have all the time.

criticisms kills ppl.

Mr. Urs said...

Mind you, "Sophia Sling" is an alcoholic beverage and should only be used in moderation to express gratitude. Talking of which, I really think learning how to find pleasure in life and how to spoil myself prevented me from abusing many substances.

Suf n Steve said...

gomad darling

the more alcoholic the drinks is, the BETTER!

we need to take a little bit substances for our over pressure lifestyle. don't over take it.