Cakes : From house of cakes; Decoration by : Little Sophie & Mr Housewife
So since Steve is now 29 years old I thought I would list 29reasons why I love him and am thankful he's in my life.
1. He is a wonderful, caring husband.
2. He is the best father I could have asked for and is very hands on with the kids.
3. He is my best friend.
4. He likes anything I cook.
5. He is a very clean and tidy person.
6. He scrubs our huge shower every week.
7. He does all the vacuuming in the house.
8. He keeps our vehicles clean.
9. He makes our home beautiful with all the plants, bonsai trees and fish tank he maintains.
10. He always says sorry first even if it's not his fault.
11. He is always there when I need a shoulder to cry on.
12. He always keeps me laughing and has a great sense of humor.
13. He is anything but lazy-he is always busy doing something.
14. He gives me regular full body massages and later raped me.
15. He takes little Sophie to run errands with him or on walks when I went crazy.
16. He asks permission (anything above 1k) to spend money (now you know who really wears the pants.)
17. He never gives up-he is very determined.
18. He is a very good communicator, very persuasive.
19. He is always up for a challenge.
20. He embraces change.
21. He is very loyal and generous.
22. He puts up with me even when I'm being stubborn.
23. He's very active and stays in great shape. But not me, I am very lazy.
24. He is very protective over our family.
25. He loves to have fun. Yeah talks about fun-party (that's part of ur job- i understand)
26. He is a great motivator and psycho hubby too.
27. He's younger than me- by a two years but that is still younger and wiser than me.
28. He loves me no matter what.
29. He said that “he doesn’t want to live with anybody but me” after I was diagnosed for cardiomyopathic.
"He gives me regular full body massages and later raped me." - this 1 is the best!
paul darling
don't we all love sex?
*sacre signs of human being*
pakcik steve Happy Belated Besday ek.. kita sama sama GAYMINI... nak hadiah nak hadiah! mmauhhh my kiss utk besday boy~
shin darling
where did i put my M16? *laki mek nyeh off ur kisses*
ohh he loves oriental so much*kejiii sgt*
Isn't love simply wonderful? Take good care of than man!
gomad darling
he takes a good care of me; i am the lousy one!
aik......sound like Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's pulak....call everybody by darling
i love to call every one darling, darling!
we feel very close indeed.
ain't u feel it darling.
hik hik.... jgn jadikan shin mcm altantuya ke 2 ok!!!
ko suka kan!
And I'm late again, but you know - wot with the other 'arf and the Former Bitch playing with that dog, well they call it a dog, but everyone knows it's just a rat on a lead, to see who can bark at the most stupid thing and get away with it and then the re-cycling needed sorting and letting out (not the cat we don't have one of those) but if you don't put it out they won't come and get it. but anyway - happy birthday.
(tho I've already wished you that once, I think?)
micky darling!
we missed ur linger here! yeah ur did that during pre-birthday celeb.
u have a heavy duty goin around all these webs, (how do u do that?) i barely got time cozz i am working like a dog.
nevertheless, thank you!
Woof Woof!
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